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The answer CANDID is rarely seen, appearing only about once every 2400 puzzles.

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Unposed photo
Like some camera shots


CANDID as an adjective:

1. (blunt, candid, forthright, frank, free-spoken, outspoken, plainspoken, point-blank, straight-from-the-shoulder) = characterized by directness in manner or speech; without subtlety or evasion; "blunt talking and straight shooting"; "a blunt New England farmer"; "I gave them my candid opinion"; "forthright criticism"; "a forthright approach to the problem"; "tell me what you think--and you may just as well be frank"; "it is possible to be outspoken without being rude"; "plainspoken and to the point"; "a point-blank accusation"
2. informal or natural; especially caught off guard or unprepared; "a candid photograph"; "a candid interview"
3. (candid, open, heart-to-heart) = openly straightforward and direct without reserve or secretiveness; "his candid eyes"; "an open and trusting nature"; "a heart-to-heart talk"