Crossword Helper
Enter a clue or pattern or both:
Pages with the tag '1040':
Word with tax or free (4 letters)
Bureau of the Dept. of the Treasury (3 letters)
Recipient of much Apr. 15 mail (3 letters)
Data for the I.R.S. (7 letters)
Something taken into account?: Abbr. (3 letters)
123-45-6789, e.g.: Abbr. (3 letters)
ID with two hyphens (3 letters)
Provider of support, for short (3 letters)
Bank acct. amt. (3 letters)
Common 1040 attachment (9 letters)
Balancing pro, in brief (3 letters)
"Deathtrap" writer Levin (3 letters)
Levies (5 letters)
Antithesis of outgo (6 letters)
Bank figure: Abbr. (3 letters)
Certain ID info (3 letters)
Bank book abbr. (3 letters)
Strains (5 letters)
Dashed fig. (3 letters)
Part of I.L.O. (3 letters)