Crossword Helper
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Pages with the tag 'CARAVEL':
The U.S.S. Constitution has three (5 letters)
Places for cabins (5 letters)
Niña companion (5 letters)
Singer Simone (4 letters)
Corvette, for one (4 letters)
Junk parts (5 letters)
Ferry's front (4 letters)
Ship to the New World (4 letters)
Designer Ricci (4 letters)
Child in a casa (4 letters)
Gin poles (5 letters)
Ship on which Columbus returned: 1492 (4 letters)
In 1492 it sailed the ocean blue (5 letters)
Caravels (5 letters)
Part of the Constitution (4 letters)
Niña and her sisters (8 letters)
Niña or Pinta (7 letters)