Crossword Helper
Enter a clue or pattern or both:
Pages with the tag 'CONUNDRUM':
Problem or model (5 letters)
Response (6 letters)
Sphinx's offering (6 letters)
Puzzle (5 letters)
Groan inducers (4 letters)
"I cannot ___ lie" (5 letters)
End of the conundrum (15 letters)
Middle of the conundrum (15 letters)
Echo (6 letters)
Start of a humorous conundrum (15 letters)
Poser (6 letters)
"I'm a walking, talking ___": Larry David (6 letters)
Riddles featuring puns (10 letters)
Answer to the conundrum (15 letters)
Jokesters' standbys (4 letters)
Match, as a description (6 letters)