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Pages with the tag 'DRAMATIST':
Latin singer Anthony (4 letters)
"Virginia Woolf" dramatist (5 letters)
Antony of antiquity (4 letters)
Hollywood's Patricia and others (5 letters)
One of the Mario Brothers (5 letters)
"What the Butler Saw" playwright (5 letters)
"Hurlyburly" playwright David (4 letters)
Matthew, Mark, Luke or John (6 letters)
Dramatist Joe (5 letters)
Ibsen or O'Neill (9 letters)
The king of Champagne? (5 letters)
Dramatist turns apiarist (17 letters)
Spanish poet Federico Garcia ___ (5 letters)
Shaw contemporary (5 letters)
Athenian comedist (8 letters)
Creator of Lefty (5 letters)
Anthony and Peter Shaffer (10 letters)
Author of "Wilhelm Meister's Apprenticeship" (6 letters)
Civil War historian Shelby (5 letters)
Blue Jays, on scoreboards (3 letters)