Crossword Helper
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Pages with the tag 'EXPLAIN':
Doom (4 letters)
Spin the same yarn (6 letters)
Interpret (8 letters)
Does lexicographic work (7 letters)
Explain further (3 letters)
Match in chips (3 letters)
Defense (8 letters)
Get a total (3 letters)
Serving to explain (10 letters)
Unconvincing reason, informally (3 letters)
Archer William ___ (4 letters)
"Can you explain this?" (9 letters)
"Point taken" (4 letters)
"What you ___ is what you get" (3 letters)
Beats it and won't explain why? (17 letters)
Make plain (8 letters)
"What'd I tell ya?" (3 letters)
Add commentaries (8 letters)
Instruct (5 letters)
Narrate anew (6 letters)