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Pages with the tag 'FARCE':
1952 George Axelrod Broadway farce, with "The" (13 letters)
Brandon Thomas farce (12 letters)
"___ Roi" (Alfred Jarry play) (3 letters)
Form of Greek drama (4 letters)
Travesties (6 letters)
Laurel and Hardy farce: 1939 (15 letters)
Wagner composition (5 letters)
Not real (4 letters)
G. I. Jane (3 letters)
Mil. woman (3 letters)
Town where Roman farces originated (6 letters)
Word with spring or color (3 letters)
One or the other (3 letters)
Not on the mark (3 letters)
Obvious pretense (5 letters)
"Knock on ___ Door" (Bogart film) (3 letters)
Scenes of farces (8 letters)
On a holiday (3 letters)
French medieval farce (5 letters)
Durable Brandon Thomas farce (13 letters)