Crossword Helper
Enter a clue or pattern or both:
Pages with the tag 'WHOSE':
Language that's written from right to left (4 letters)
River through Dresden (4 letters)
One using twisted humor (7 letters)
Game whose name is derived from Swahili (5 letters)
River in central Europe (4 letters)
Org. trying to clear the air? (3 letters)
F.D.R.-era agcy. (3 letters)
Source of the word "karma" (8 letters)
Roman carrier (8 letters)
"Cats" lyricist (5 letters)
Author and actor take on a builder (10 letters)
Metropolis gal (8 letters)
Textile processor (4 letters)
Emerson's "___ to Beauty" (3 letters)
Nemesis of bad guys (5 letters)
Manglers (8 letters)
Grp. advocating tough liquor laws (4 letters)
Budding plan (4 letters)
Flavoring (8 letters)
Untidy person (4 letters)