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British mil. branch (3 letter answer)

The Answer




The answer RAF is seen frequently, appearing about once every 130 puzzles.

Related Clues

Actor Vallone
Brit. defenders
Brit. fliers
Churchill's "few"
English flyers
Eur. flyboys
U.K. defenders
U.K. fliers
W.W. II bombers
W.W. II fighters
W.W. II fliers
W.W. II grp.
W.W.II grp.
W.W. II heroes
W.W. II inits.
Battle of Brit. heroes
Battle of Britain grp.
Brit. air aim
Brit. answer to the Luftwaffe
Brit. protectors in W.W. II
Brit. W.W. II heroes
Heroic W.W. II grp.
Luftwaffe foe: Abbr.
The pilots of Penzance: Abbr.
"So few," of fame
"So few," to W.S.C.
Spitfire fliers: Abbr.
Spitfire-flying grp.
Tedder's W.W. II org.
U.K. air arm
W.W. II heroes: Abbr.
W.W.II heroes: Abbr.
W.W. II Mosquito pilots
"A Yank in the ___" (1941 film)
"A Yank in the ___" (1941 movie)
Battle of Britain victor, for short
Churchill's "so few": Abbr.
The "so few" of 1940: Abbr.
Few who did much for many
"Per ardua ad astra" org.


RAF as a noun:

1. (Royal Air Force, RAF) = the airforce of Great Britain
2. (Red Army Faction, RAF) = a Marxist and Maoist terrorist organization in Germany; a network of underground guerillas who committed acts of violence in the service of the class struggle; a successor to the Baader-Meinhof Gang; became one of Europe's most feared terrorist groups; disbanded in 1998