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Settles down snugly (7 letter answer)

The Answer




The answer NESTLES is rarely seen, appearing only about once every 1000 puzzles.

Related Clues

Fits (in)
Gets cozy
Gets ensconced
Gets snug
Lies close
Snuggles down
Some chocolate
Candy giant, informally


NESTLE as a noun:

1. (cuddle, nestle, snuggle) = a close and affectionate (and often prolonged) embrace

NESTLE as a verb:

1. (cuddle, snuggle, nestle, nest, nuzzle, draw close) = move or arrange oneself in a comfortable and cozy position; "We cuddled against each other to keep warm"; "The children snuggled into their sleeping bags"
2. lie in a sheltered position; "The little cottage nestles in the forest"
3. (nestle, snuggle) = position comfortably; "The baby nestled her head in her mother's elbow"