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Pages with the tag 'INITIATIVE':
F.D.R. measure (3 letters)
Aerobic instructor's word (4 letters)
New Deal prog. (3 letters)
Got going (7 letters)
Challenge for the wheelchair-bound (4 letters)
New Deal initials (3 letters)
Org. with the Eddie Eagle safety program (3 letters)
Pioneering step (10 letters)
Org. full of big shots? (3 letters)
Under way (7 letters)
One with initiative (11 letters)
Fight to keep the faith (7 letters)
Amendment impetus, maybe (8 letters)
Org. opposing the Brady bill (3 letters)
William Tell and others (9 letters)
Gumption (10 letters)
Historically significant trial (5 letters)
Nuclear trial (5 letters)
Big shock wave producer, briefly (5 letters)
Cold war-era blast, in headlines (5 letters)