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Leaf (through) (6 letter answer)

The Answer




The answer RIFFLE is so rare that it appears less than once every 2500 puzzles.

Related Clues

Turn hastily
Mix up, as a deck of cards


RIFFLE as a noun:

1. (ripple, rippling, riffle, wavelet) = a small wave on the surface of a liquid
2. shuffling by splitting the pack and interweaving the two halves at their corners

RIFFLE as a verb:

1. (flick, ruffle, riffle) = twitch or flutter; "the paper flicked"
2. (flick, flip, thumb, riffle, leaf, riff) = look through a book or other written material; "He thumbed through the report"; "She leafed through the volume"
3. (ripple, ruffle, riffle, cockle, undulate) = stir up (water) so as to form ripples
4. shuffle (playing cards) by separating the deck into two parts and riffling with the thumbs so the cards intermix