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The Clue

Primitive computers (5 letter answer)

The Answer




The answer ABACI is common and appears about once every 250 puzzles.

Related Clues

Ancient computers
Basic counters
Bead counters
Beaded calculators
Beaded counters
Calculating instruments
Calculation aids
Calculators with beads
Calculators of sorts
Computing devices
Crude counters
Early adders
Early calculators
Early computers
Early counters
Early summers
Manual computers
Noisy counters
Old adders
Old calculators
Precalculator calculators
Primitive adders
Primitive calculators
Primitive counters
Simple counters
Slide calculators
Classroom clickers of old
Old math aids
Old-style calculators
Pre-PC counters
Simple adding devices
Summers in the Far East?
They're to be counted on
They give sum help?
You can count on them
They can always be counted on


ABACUS as a noun:

1. a tablet placed horizontally on top of the capital of a column as an aid in supporting the architrave
2. a calculator that performs arithmetic functions by manually sliding counters on rods or in grooves